

Courtney Love.


Bean Sprouting

There was an article today talking about
Frances Bean's guardianship being changed.
...blah, blah, blah
All I care about is how stunning she has become!



Final's week has officially started today.
Here's to a week full of late nighters.
The soundtrack to this week, Sondre Lerch.
Don't you just adore is wife Mona & him together.


Natalie Portman

I had to buy the new Marie Claire when I saw Natalie on it.
I love the all animal friendly clothing. She is gorgeous!


green babyyy

packing, packing, packing

I'm packing up all of our belongings.
Two more days until we are in our house!



stay in bed today?

It is such a cold and wintry day. I just want to stay in bed today.


Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival

The Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival has become a serious fashion event for Australians. I love the wide range of extremely artistic and bold creations, ranging from headbands and avant-garde bows to oversized flowers and complex origami constructions. To see more visit WGSN


Zara Lookbook Nov 09

Dear Zara,

Can you please open your online store to the US. I promise to spend lots of money to help you guys out though I'm sure you don't need it. I would really appreciate. I am marking this message as 'urgent' so that maybe you will come over just a little bit faster. Your cooperation is greatly obliged.

Sincerely, Kate


the uniform project

Okay. So this girl (Akanksha) pledged to wear one dress for one year as an exercise in sustainable fashion. Here’s how it works: There are 7 identical dresses, one for each day of the week. Every day she reinvents the dress with layers, accessories and all kinds of accouterments, the majority of which will be vintage, hand-made, or hand-me-down goodies. She wears it as a layering piece, a dress, a tunic, and pretty much anything. It is also a year-long fundraiser for the Akanksha Foundation, a grassroots movement that is revolutionizing education in India. You can donate money to help fund school uniforms in India and/or you can even donate your accessories so that she can help her make a new outfit each day. You can see every outfit she has done so far and follow her on her website. She even has a blog.

my mission

My mission today is look and feel this happy.



Home Sweet Home

It's official. I am a homeowner.


ohne titel

Ohne Titel sandals look so comfortable!
To see other amazing strappy sandals check out WGSN